What are Polyethylene Wax Oxidates?

About Polyethylene Wax Oxidates

Polyethylene wax oxidates are synthetic waxes that have a wide range of applications, with one of the most common being as a coating for fruits and vegetables to enhance their appearance. This coating helps to create a glossy and appealing surface, making the produce more visually attractive to consumers.

When we consume fruits and vegetables that have been treated with polyethylene wax oxidates, we may be exposed to these synthetic waxes. However, it's important to note that exposure primarily occurs through consumption and not through any other means. Our bodies are not naturally equipped to metabolize these waxes, as they are not naturally present in our system.

From a nutritional standpoint, it's worth mentioning that polyethylene wax oxidates do not provide any significant nutrients or calories. They are essentially inert substances that pass through our digestive system without being broken down or absorbed. Therefore, while we may come into contact with these waxes through the consumption of treated fruits and vegetables, they do not contribute to our overall nutritional intake.