What are Mono and Diacetyltartaric Acid Esters?

About Mono and Diacetyltartaric Acid Esters

Mono and Diacetyltartaric Acid Esters, commonly known as DATEM, are emulsifiers that play a crucial role in the breadmaking process. These emulsifiers are added to bread dough to enhance its structure, allowing it to rise and expand during proofing and baking.

DATEM works by interacting with the gluten proteins in dough, strengthening their ability to form a stable network. This improved structure allows the dough to capture and hold air bubbles produced by yeast during fermentation. As a result, the dough can rise properly, leading to a lighter and fluffier final product.

Apart from enhancing the dough structure, DATEM also contributes to the overall quality and shelf life of bread. It helps to improve the crumb texture, giving the bread a soft and tender bite. Additionally, DATEM acts as a stabilizer, preventing the bread from staling too quickly and extending its freshness. It does not add any significant calories or fat to the bread, making it suitable for those watching their weight or following a balanced diet.