What is Calcium Tartrate?

About Calcium Tartrate

Calcium tartrate is a naturally occurring salt of calcium and tartaric acid. Calcium tartrate can be found in various plants, particularly grapes. It's one of the compounds responsible for forming the sediment often seen in wine barrels or on the corks of wine bottles. In the body, calcium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in bone and teeth health, muscle function, and nerve transmission.

While calcium tartrate isn't typically consumed directly as a supplement, it indirectly contributes to calcium intake when we consume foods or beverages containing it, such as wine. However, it's worth noting that the calcium content in wine is relatively low, so it's not a significant source of dietary calcium.

Calcium tartrate itself isn't associated with any specific health concerns. However, maintaining an adequate intake of calcium is crucial for overall health. If you're looking to increase your dietary calcium intake, it's better to focus on foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods.