What is Karaya Gum?

About Karaya Gum

Karaya Gum is a food-thickening agent that is derived from the sap of the Sterculia urens tree, native to India. Nutritionally, it is a versatile ingredient that offers various benefits in the food industry.

Not only does Karaya Gum enhance the texture and consistency of food products, but it also acts as a natural emulsifier and stabilizer. This means that it helps to prevent ingredients from separating and maintains the overall quality of the food.

Furthermore, Karaya Gum is a soluble fiber, which means that it can aid in digestion and promote a healthy gut. It has been found to have prebiotic properties, providing nourishment for beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

In addition to its nutritional benefits, Karaya Gum is also a popular choice for individuals with dietary restrictions. It is gluten-free, making it suitable for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Moreover, it is vegetarian and vegan-friendly, making it a viable option for those following plant-based diets.