Coconut was red or orange. How are my results different for other coconut containing items?

Coconut and Coconut Containing Items

If your food sensitivity results show that you have a sensitivity to coconut, it is important to understand that not all coconut-containing foods will necessarily trigger the same reaction. While coconut milk and coconut yogurt do contain coconut, they undergo different processing methods that may alter the composition and concentration of the proteins responsible for triggering your sensitivity.

Coconut milk is typically made by blending the meat of mature coconuts with water and then straining it to remove any solids. During this process, some of the proteins that may cause a sensitivity reaction could be filtered out, resulting in a lower concentration of allergens. Additionally, the fat content in coconut milk may also play a role in reducing the likelihood of a reaction, as the proteins responsible for allergies are often water-soluble rather than fat-soluble.

Similarly, coconut yogurt is made by fermenting coconut milk with probiotic cultures. The fermentation process can break down proteins and alter their structure.  Additionally, the presence of beneficial bacteria in yogurt may help to modulate the immune response and mitigate any sensitivity symptoms.

It is important to note that individual sensitivities can vary, and while some individuals may still experience a reaction to coconut milk or coconut yogurt despite their processing methods, others may find that their sensitivity is specific to raw or unprocessed coconut.